Use craft on appveyor
authorHannah von Reth <>
Wed, 21 Jun 2017 12:17:50 +0000 (14:17 +0200)
committerManuel Nickschas <>
Tue, 27 Feb 2018 20:41:25 +0000 (21:41 +0100)
This will use the well maintained packages from Craft.
It will reduce the maintenance cost for providing a Windows installer.
Additionally we now use up to date binaries built exactly for this compiler,
so we no longer depend on 33dparty openssl binaries etc.

Using and deploying KDE Framework 5 libaries on Windows is also possible now.
This build provides KDE Sonnet

Find out more about Craft:
Contribute to the Quassel blueprint:

Closes GH-312.

appveyor.ini [new file with mode: 0644]
scripts/build/appveyorHelp.psm1 [deleted file]

diff --git a/appveyor.ini b/appveyor.ini
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8189a03
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Command = craft
+Branch = master
+ShallowClone = True
+# Variables defined here override the default value
+# The variable names are casesensitive
+#Root = D:\qt-sdk
+# Settings applicable for all Crafts matrices
+# Settings are Category/key=value
+# Category is case sensitive
+Paths/Python = C:\Python36
+Paths/Python27 = C:\Python27
+ShortPath/Enabled = False
+Compile/BuildType = Release
+ContinuousIntegration/Enabled = True
+Packager/PackageType = MultiCollectionPackager
+qt-apps/quassel.version = master
+binary/mysql.ignored = True
+General/ABI = windows-msvc2017_32-cl
+General/ABI = windows-msvc2017_64-cl
index dc1419e..30d9dc1 100644 (file)
 version: '{build}'
-- ps: |
-    $ErrorActionPreference="Stop"
-    Import-Module $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\scripts\build\appveyorHelp.psm1
-    Init @("ninja", "png2ico", "nsis", "7zip.commandline") ([ordered]@{"git://" = @{"branch" = "master"};
-                                 "" = @{"branch" = "v0.4.0"; "buildType" = "Release"};
-                                 "git://" = @{"branch" = "v0.7.0"; "buildType" = "Release"}})
-    mkdir -Force $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\build\$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_NAME
+image: Visual Studio 2017
-    $webPrevFiles = @(
-                      "bin\\Qt5Positioning\.dll",
-                      "bin\\Qt5PrintSupport\.dll",
-                      "bin\\Qt5Sensors\.dll",
-                      "bin\\Qt5WebChannel\.dll",
-                      "bin\\QtWebEngineProcess\.exe",
-                      "bin\\Qt5WebEngine\.dll",
-                      "bin\\Qt5WebEngineCore\.dll",
-                      "bin\\Qt5WebEngineWidgets\.dll",
-                      "resources\\icudtl\.dat",
-                      "resources\\qtwebengine_resources.pak",
-                      "resources\\qtwebengine_resources_100p.pak",
-                      "resources\\qtwebengine_resources_200p.pak")
-    if($env:COMPILER -eq "mingw49_32") {
-        $webPrevOption = "-DWITH_WEBKIT=OFF -DWITH_WEBENGINE=OFF"
-        $webPrevFiles = @()
+- ps: |
+    function craft() {
+        & C:\python36\python.exe "C:\CraftMaster\$env:TARGET\craft\bin\" $args
+        if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {exit $LASTEXITCODE}
-    CmakeImageInstall
-    $whitelist = @(
-                            # whitelist
-                            #quassel
-                            "quassel.*",
-                            #
-                            #gccruntime",
-                            "bin\\libgomp.*\.dll",
-                            "bin\\libgcc_s_.*\.dll",
-                            "bin\\libwinpthread.*\.dll",
-                            "bin\\libstdc.*\.dll",
-                            #
-                            #snore
-                            "bin\\.*snore.*\.dll",
-                            "lib\\plugins\\libsnore.*\\libsnore_backend.*\.dll",
-                            "lib\\plugins\\libsnore.*\\libsnore_settings_backend.*\.dll",
-                            "lib\\plugins\\libsnore.*\\libsnore_secondarybackend.*\.dll", "lib\\plugins\\libsnore.*\\libsnore_settings_secondarybackend.*\.dll", "bin\\SnoreToast\.exe",
-                            #
-                            #Growl
-                            "bin\\.*snoregrowl.*\.dll",
-                            #
-                            #ssl
-                            ".*\\libeay32\.dll",
-                            ".*\\ssleay32\.dll",
-                            #
-                            #icu
-                            "bin\\icuin\d+\.dll",
-                            "bin\\icuuc\d+\.dll",
-                            "bin\\icudt\d+\.dll",
-                            #
-                            #qt
-                            "bin\\Qt5Core\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Declarative\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Gui\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Network\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Opengl\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Multimedia\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5MultimediaWidgets\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Qml\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Quick\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Script\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Sql\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Svg\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5WebChannel\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Widgets\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5Xml\.dll",
-                            "bin\\Qt5XmlPatterns\.dll",
-                            "bin\\.*libglesv2\.dll",
-                            "bin\\.*libEGL\.dll",
-                            "qml\\.*",
-                            #bin\\QtXml\.dll
-                            #
-                            "plugins\\imageformats\\(?!.*d\.dll).*\.dll$",
-                            "plugins\\sqldrivers\\qsqlite(?!.*d\.dll).*\.dll$",
-                            "plugins\\codecs\\(?!.*d\.dll).*\.dll$",
-                            "plugins\\platforms\\qwindows(?!.*d\.dll).*\.dll$",
-                            "plugins\\iconengines\\(?!.*d\.dll).*\.dll$",
-                            #
-                            #
-                            #zlib
-                            "bin\\libz.dll",
-                            #
-                            #qca
-                            "bin\\libqca.*\.dll",
-                            "lib\\qca-qt5\\crypto\\.*",
-                            "certs\\.*",
-                            #
-                            #phonon
-                            "bin\\libphonon.*\.dll",
-                            "bin\\phonon.*\.dll",
-                            "bin\\libphononexperimental.*\.dll",
-                            "bin\\phonon_backend\\.*",
-                            "plugins\\phonon_backend\\.*",
-                            "plugins\\phonon4qt5_backend\\.*")
+- ps: |
+    mkdir C:\CraftMaster | Out-Null
+    #use cmd to silence powershell behaviour for stderr
+    & cmd /C "git clone -q --depth=1 git:// C:\CraftMaster\CraftMaster 2>&1"
+    & C:\python36\python.exe C:\CraftMaster\CraftMaster\ --config $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\appveyor.ini --target $env:TARGET
+    craft -p quassel
+    craft nsis
+    craft --install-deps quassel
-    $whitelist += $webPrevFiles
+- ps: |
+    craft --no-cache --src-dir $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER quassel
-    $imageDir = CreateDeployImage $whitelist @(
-                            #blacklist
-                            "include",
-                            ".*\.h",
-                            "lib\\plugins\\libsnore.*\\libsnore_backend_freedesktop\.dll",
-                            ".*\.pdb",
-                            ".*plugind\.dll"
-                            )
+- ps: |
+    craft --src-dir $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER --test quassel
-    mv "$imageDir\bin\*" "$imageDir\"
-    #mv "$imageDir\lib\qca-qt5\crypto" "$imageDir\crypto"
-    mv "$imageDir\qml\*" "$imageDir"
-    mv "$imageDir\plugins\*" "$imageDir"
-    if(Test-Path "$imageDir\lib\plugins")
-    {
-        mv "$imageDir\lib\plugins\*" "$imageDir"
-    }
-    if(Test-Path "$imageDir\resources")
-    {
-        mv "$imageDir\resources\*" "$imageDir"
-    }
-    DeleteEmptyFodlers $imageDir
-    7ZipDeployImage
-    NsisDeployImage $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\scripts\build\NullsoftInstaller.nsi
+- ps: |
+    craft --src-dir $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER --package quassel
+    Get-ChildItem C:\CraftMaster\$env:TARGET\tmp\* | % { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_.FullName -FileName $_.Name }
-    QT_VER: 5.7
-    #msvc
-    - COMPILER: msvc2015_64
-    - COMPILER: msvc2015
-    #mingw
-    - COMPILER: mingw53_32
-test: off
-    - work\install -> appveyor.yml
-    - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin -> appveyor.yml
-    - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib -> appveyor.yml
+    - TARGET: windows-msvc2017_64-cl
+    - TARGET: windows-msvc2017_32-cl
diff --git a/scripts/build/appveyorHelp.psm1 b/scripts/build/appveyorHelp.psm1
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index da21095..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-$CMAKE_INSTALL_ROOT="`"$INSTALL_DIR`"" -replace "\\", "/"
-if(!$env:CI -eq "true")
-    function Push-AppveyorArtifact()
-    {
-        Write-Host "Push-AppveyorArtifact $ARGS"
-    }
-    function Start-FileDownload([string] $url, [string] $out)
-    {
-        if(!$out)
-        {
-            $out = $url.SubString($url.LastIndexOf("/"))
-        }
-        wget $url -Outfile $out
-    }
-function LogExec()
-    $OldErrorActionPreference=$ErrorActionPreference
-    $ErrorActionPreference="Continue"
-    $LastExitCode = 0
-    Write-Host $Args[0], $Args[1..(($Args.Count)-1)]
-    & $Args[0] $Args[1..(($Args.Count)-1)]
-    if(!$LastExitCode -eq 0)
-    {
-        exit $LastExitCode
-    }
-    $ErrorActionPreference=$OldErrorActionPreference
-#Set environment variables for Visual Studio Command Prompt
-function BAT-CALL([string] $path, [string] $arg)
-    Write-Host "Calling `"$path`" `"$arg`""
-    cmd /c  "$path" "$arg" `&`& set `|`| exit 1|
-    foreach {
-      if ($_ -match "=") {
-        $v = $_.split("=")
-        #Write-Host "ENV:\$($v[0])=$($v[1])"
-        set-item -force -path "ENV:\$($v[0])"  -value "$($v[1])"
-      }
-    }
-    if($LastExitCode -eq 1) {
-        Write-Error "$path not found."
-    }
-function Get-QtDir()
-    $ver = 5.5
-    if($env:QT_VER)
-    {
-        $ver = $env:QT_VER
-    }
-    return "C:\Qt\$ver\$env:COMPILER\"
-function SETUP-QT()
-    [string] $compiler=$env:COMPILER
-    $qtDir = Get-QtDir
-    $script:QT_BINARY_DIRS = @($qtDir)
-    BAT-CALL  "$qtDir\bin\qtenv2.bat"
-    if ($compiler.StartsWith("mingw"))
-    {
-        # supported values are
-        #mingw49_32
-        #mingw53_32
-        #remove sh.exe from path
-        $env:PATH=$env:PATH -replace "C:\\Program Files \(x86\)\\Git\\bin", ""
-        $script:MAKE="mingw32-make"
-        $script:CMAKE_GENERATOR="MinGW Makefiles"
-        $script:STRIP=@("strip", "-s")
-        if ($compiler -eq "mingw49_32")
-        {
-            $script:QT_BINARY_DIRS += (Resolve-Path "$qtDir\..\..\Tools\mingw492_32\opt\")
-        }
-        elseif ($compiler -eq "mingw53_32")
-        {
-            $script:QT_BINARY_DIRS += (Resolve-Path "$qtDir\..\..\Tools\mingw530_32\opt\")
-        }
-    }
-    elseif ($compiler.StartsWith("msvc"))
-    {
-        $arch = "x86"
-        if($compiler.EndsWith("64"))
-        {
-            $arch = "amd64"
-        }
-        $compilerDirs = @{
-                "msvc2010" = "VS100COMNTOOLS";
-                "msvc2012" = "VS110COMNTOOLS";
-                "msvc2013" = "VS120COMNTOOLS";
-                "msvc2015" = "VS140COMNTOOLS"
-            }
-        $compilerVar = $compilerDirs[$compiler.Split("_")[0]]
-        $compilerDir = (get-item -path "env:\$($compilerVar)").Value
-        BAT-CALL "$compilerDir\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" $arch
-        $script:MAKE="nmake"
-        $script:CMAKE_GENERATOR="NMake Makefiles"
-        if($arch -eq "x86")
-        {
-            $script:QT_BINARY_DIRS += ("C:\OpenSSL-Win32")
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $script:QT_BINARY_DIRS += ("C:\OpenSSL-Win64")
-        }
-    }
-function Install-ChocolateyModule([string] $module, [string[]] $myargs)
-    Write-Host "Install chocolatey package $module"
-    LogExec appveyor-retry cinst $module @myargs -y
-    # Retry installation in case it fails; remove 'appveyor-retry' to run in a generic manner
-    # See
-    # And
-function Install-CmakeGitModule([string] $url, [hashtable] $arguments)
-    $module = $url.SubString($url.LastIndexOf("/")+1)
-    $module = $module.Substring(0,$module.Length - 4)
-    if(!$arguments.Contains("branch"))
-    {
-        $arguments["branch"] = "master"
-    }
-    if(!$arguments.Contains("buildType"))
-    {
-        $arguments["buildType"] = "Release"
-    }
-    mkdir -Force $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\build\$module
-    pushd $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\git
-    LogExec git clone -q --depth 1 --branch ([string]$arguments["branch"]) $url $module
-    popd
-    pushd  $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\build\$module
-    LogExec cmake -G $script:CMAKE_GENERATOR  ("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=`"{0}`"" -f [string]$arguments["buildType"]) $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\git\$module -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$CMAKE_INSTALL_ROOT" $arguments["options"]
-    LogExec  $script:MAKE install
-    popd
-function Init([string[]] $chocoDeps, [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] $cmakeModules)
-    $script:MAKE=""
-    $script:CMAKE_GENERATOR=""
-    $script:STRIP=$null
-    mkdir -Force $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\image | Out-Null
-    mkdir -Force $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\build | Out-Null
-    if($chocoDeps -contains "ninja") {
-        $script:CMAKE_GENERATOR="Ninja"
-        $script:MAKE="ninja"
-    }
-    if ( !(Test-Path "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\install" ) )
-    {
-        mkdir -Force $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\install | Out-Null
-        mkdir -Force $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\git | Out-Null
-        foreach($module in $chocoDeps) {
-            if($module -eq "nsis")
-            {
-                Install-ChocolateyModule "nsis.portable" @("-pre")
-                continue
-            }
-            Install-ChocolateyModule $module
-        }
-        foreach($key in $cmakeModules.Keys) {
-            Install-CmakeGitModule $key $cmakeModules[$key]
-        }
-        [string] $compiler=$env:COMPILER
-        if($compiler.StartsWith("msvc"))
-        {
-            Write-Host "Downloading vcredist.exe"
-            if ($compiler.StartsWith("msvc2015"))
-            {
-                if($compiler.EndsWith("64"))
-                {
-                    Start-FileDownload $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\install\vcredist.exe
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    Start-FileDownload $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\install\vcredist.exe
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if($compiler.EndsWith("64"))
-                {
-                    Start-FileDownload $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\install\vcredist.exe
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    Start-FileDownload $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\install\vcredist.exe
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-function relativePath([string] $root, [string] $path)
-    pushd $root
-    $out = Resolve-Path -Relative $path
-    popd
-    return $out
-function StripFile([string] $name)
-    if($script:STRIP) {
-        if( $name.EndsWith(".dll") -or $name.EndsWith(".exe"))
-        {
-            Write-Host "strip file $name"
-            LogExec @script:STRIP $name
-        }
-    }
-function Get-DeployImageName()
-    $version = Get-Version
-    if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq "true") {
-        return "$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_NAME`_$version`_Qt$env:QT_VER`_$env:COMPILER"
-    }else{
-        return "$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_NAME`_$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH`_$version`_Qt$env:QT_VER`_$env:COMPILER"
-    }
-function Get-Version()
-    if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq "true") {
-        return $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME
-    }else{
-        $commit = ([string]$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT).SubString(0,6)
-        return $commit
-    }
-function CmakeImageInstall()
-    $imageName = Get-DeployImageName
-    $destDir = "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\cmakeDeployImage\$imageName"
-    $env:DESTDIR = $destDir
-    LogExec $script:MAKE install
-    $env:DESTDIR = $null
-    if(!$LastExitCode -eq 0)
-    {
-        Write-Error "Build Failed"
-    }
-    $env:DESTDIR=$null
-    $prefix=$script:INSTALL_DIR
-    if( $prefix.substring(1,1) -eq ":")
-    {
-        $prefix=$prefix.substring(3)
-    }
-    Write-Host "move $destDir\$prefix to $destDir"
-    mv -Force "$destDir\$prefix\*" "$destDir"
-    $rootLeftOver = $prefix.substring(0, $prefix.indexOf("\"))
-    rm -Recurse "$destDir\$rootLeftOver"
-function CreateDeployImage([string[]] $whiteList, [string[]] $blackList)
-    $imageName = Get-DeployImageName
-    $deployPath = "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\deployImage\$imageName"
-    function copyWithWhitelist([string] $root)
-    {
-        $files = ls $root -Recurse
-        foreach($fileName in $files.FullName)
-        {
-            $relPath = (relativePath $root $fileName).SubString(2)
-            if($whiteList | Where {$relPath -match $_})
-            {
-                if($blackList | Where {$relPath -match $_})
-                {
-                    continue
-                }
-                if(!(Test-Path $deployPath\$relPath))
-                {
-                    Write-Host "copy $fileName to $deployPath\$relPath"
-                    mkdir -Force (Split-Path -Parent $deployPath\$relPath) | Out-Null
-                    cp -Force $fileName $deployPath\$relPath
-                    StripFile $deployPath\$relPath
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    Write-Host "CreateDeployImage $imageName"
-    mkdir $deployPath | Out-Null
-    copyWithWhitelist "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\cmakeDeployImage\$imageName"
-    copyWithWhitelist "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\install\"
-    foreach($folder in $script:QT_BINARY_DIRS)
-    {
-        copyWithWhitelist $folder
-    }
-    Write-Host "Deploy path $deployPath"
-    return $deployPath
-function 7ZipDeployImage()
-    $imageName = Get-DeployImageName
-    LogExec 7za a "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\deployImage\$imageName.7z" "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\deployImage\$imageName"
-    Push-AppveyorArtifact "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\deployImage\$imageName.7z"
-function NsisDeployImage([string] $scriptName)
-    $imageName = Get-DeployImageName
-    $installerName = "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\deployImage\$imageName.exe"
-    $version = Get-Version
-    if(([string]$env:COMPILER).StartsWith("msvc"))
-    {
-        $redist = "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\install\vcredist.exe"
-    }else{
-        $redist = "none"
-    }
-    if($env:COMPILER.EndsWith("64"))
-    {
-        $defaultinstdir = "`$PROGRAMFILES64"
-    }else{
-        $defaultinstdir = "`$PROGRAMFILES"
-    }
-    LogExec makensis.exe /DgitDir=$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER /Dsetupname=$installerName /Dcaption=$imageName /Dversion=$version /Dcompiler=$env:COMPILER /Dvcredist=$redist /Ddefaultinstdir=$defaultinstdir /Dsrcdir=$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\work\deployImage\$imageName $scriptName
-    Push-AppveyorArtifact $installerName
-# based on
-function DeleteEmptyFodlers([string] $root)
-    $Folders = @()
-    foreach($Folder in (Get-ChildItem -Path $root -Recurse -Directory))
-       {
-            $Folders += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
-                Object = $Folder
-                Depth = ($Folder.FullName.Split("\")).Count
-            }
-    }
-    $Folders = $Folders | Sort Depth -Descending
-    foreach($Folder in $Folders)
-    {
-       If ($Folder.Object.GetFileSystemInfos().Count -eq 0)
-       {
-            Write-Host "Delete empty dir:" $Folder.Object.FullName
-            Remove-Item -Path $Folder.Object.FullName -Force
-       }
-    }
-Write-Host "Image-Name: ", (Get-DeployImageName)
-Export-ModuleMember -Function @("Init","CmakeImageInstall", "CreateDeployImage", "LogExec", "7ZipDeployImage", "NsisDeployImage", "DeleteEmptyFodlers") -Variable @("CMAKE_INSTALL_ROOT")