ServerEditDlg 0 0 386 346 Edit Server 0 false Server Info Server address: Port: 1 65535 6667 Password: true QLineEdit::Password true Try to use an encrypted connection (e.g. SSL/TLS) Use encrypted connection :/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/document-encrypt.png:/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/document-encrypt.png false <p>Verify the encrypted connection provides a valid certificate, increasing security.<br/>Uncheck if the IRC server uses a self-signed or invalid certificate.</p> Verify connection security true Qt::Vertical 20 40 Advanced Qt::Horizontal 40 20 SSL Version: Use only TLSv1 unless you know what you are doing! SSLv3 (insecure) SSLv2 (insecure) TLSv1 Use a Proxy false true false Proxy Type: SOCKS 5 HTTP Proxy Host: localhost Port: 1 65535 8080 Proxy Username: Proxy Password: QLineEdit::Password Qt::Vertical 20 17 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok tabWidget host port password useSSL sslVerify sslVersion useProxy proxyType proxyHost proxyPort proxyUsername proxyPassword buttonBox buttonBox accepted() ServerEditDlg accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() ServerEditDlg reject() 316 260 286 274