NetworksSettingsPage 0 0 688 462 Form 0 QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true 0 0 Re&name... :/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit-rename.png:/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit-rename.png 0 0 &Add... :/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/list-add.png:/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/list-add.png 16 16 0 0 De&lete :/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png:/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png Qt::Vertical 20 40 false 0 0 Connect now 10 0 Network Details Identity: 0 0 true This specifies how control messages, nicks and servernames are encoded. Unless you *really* know what you do, leave this as ISO-8859-1! 0 true 0 0 394 340 Servers 1 0 0 0 &Edit... 0 0 &Add... :/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/list-add.png:/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/list-add.png 0 0 De&lete :/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png:/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png 6 0 Qt::Horizontal 0 20 Move upwards in list ... :/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/go-up.png:/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/go-up.png Move downwards in list ... :/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/go-down.png:/16x16/actions/oxygen/16x16/actions/go-down.png Qt::Horizontal 0 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 true Choose random server for connecting 0 0 394 340 Perform Commands to execute on connect: true QTextEdit::NoWrap true Auto Identify true true Service: true NickServ true Password: true QLineEdit::Password 0 0 394 340 Advanced true Encodings Send messages in: false 0 0 QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically Incoming messages encoded in Utf8 will always be treated as such. This setting defines the encoding for messages that are not Utf8. Receive fallback: false 0 0 QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically This specifies how control messages, nicks and servernames are encoded. Unless you *really* know what you do, leave this as ISO-8859-1! Server encoding: false Qt::Horizontal 58 61 true Use defaults true true Automatic Reconnect true Interval: s 10 3600 30 Retries: 1 999 10 Unlimited Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false Rejoin all channels on reconnect true Qt::Vertical 386 31 useDefaultEncodings toggled(bool) sendEncoding setDisabled(bool) 659 262 471 176 useDefaultEncodings toggled(bool) recvEncoding setDisabled(bool) 659 262 471 209 unlimitedRetries toggled(bool) reconnectRetries setDisabled(bool) 512 373 420 377 useDefaultEncodings toggled(bool) serverEncoding setDisabled(bool) 396 251 456 230