DccSettingsPage 0 0 736 559 Form Enable DCC true false Ports: 0 Automatic Manual 1024 65535 1024 to 1024 65535 65535 32767 Outgoing IP: localhost 0 Automatic Manual Qt::Horizontal 40 20 DCC send timeout: seconds 10 3600 10 180 180 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Chunk size: KiB 1 1024 16 16 16 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Use passive/reverse DCC false Use fast sending (might not work with all peers) false false File transfers Default download folder: ... Create folder per sender Prefix filenames with sender Qt::Vertical 20 40 ipDetectionMode outgoingIp portSelectionMode minPort maxPort sendTimeout chunkSize usePassiveDcc useFastSend downloadPath browseButton createSenderDirectory prefixFilenames dccEnabled