# Generate and add translations # The LINGUAS variable can be used to limit that set if (TARGET Qt5::lconvert) # get environment variable for translations set(LINGUAS "$ENV{LINGUAS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]+" \; output "${LINGUAS}") # Find more languages # We support xx.po and xx_YY.po, and additionally translations for qt using qt_xx.po or qt_xx_YY.po file(GLOB avail_pofiles *.po) foreach(PO_FILE ${avail_pofiles}) get_filename_component(basename ${PO_FILE} NAME_WE) # CMake can't use MATCH to get the second catch... string(REGEX REPLACE "(qt_)?([a-zA-Z]+)(_.+)?$" "\\2" lang ${basename}) # test if we want this language set(flg 1) if(LINGUAS) string(REGEX MATCH "${lang}" flg ${LINGUAS}) endif() if(flg) generate_ts(QM ${basename}) generate_qm(QM ${basename}) list(APPEND qm_files ${QM}) list(APPEND gen_linguas ${lang}) endif() endforeach(PO_FILE ${avail_pofiles}) if(gen_linguas) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES gen_linguas) endif() message(STATUS "Including languages: ${gen_linguas}") else() message(STATUS "WARNING: lconvert not found, you won't have translations!") endif() # For a Win32 build, we need to include Qt translations if available if(QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR) if(WIN32) foreach(LANG ${gen_linguas}) file(GLOB lang_files ${QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR}/qt_${LANG}*.qm) foreach(absfile ${lang_files}) get_filename_component(filename ${absfile} NAME) message(STATUS "Importing ${filename}") configure_file(${absfile} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${filename} COPYONLY) list(APPEND qm_files ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${filename}) endforeach(absfile ${lang_files}) endforeach(LANG ${gen_linguas}) endif() endif() # Write resource file set(resfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/i18n.qrc) file(WRITE ${resfile} "\n" "\n") foreach(file ${qm_files}) get_filename_component(file ${file} NAME) file(APPEND ${resfile} " ${file}\n") endforeach(file ${qm_files}) file(APPEND ${resfile} "\n\n") #add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${resfile} DEPENDS ${qm_files}) set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "${qm_files};i18n.qrc") if(EMBED_DATA) quassel_add_module(Resource::I18n) target_sources(${TARGET} PRIVATE ${resfile}) add_custom_target(po DEPENDS ${qm_files}) add_dependencies(${TARGET} po) else() install(FILES ${qm_files} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/quassel/translations) endif()