DBus Interface Specification Docky implements the DockManager specification as well as a custom DBus specification. DockManager DBus Interface Specification DBus unique path: net.launchpad.DockManager Object paths: /net/launchpad/DockManager - Interface: net.launchpad.DockManager * Methods: * GetCapabilities () -> (Array of [String] capabilities) * GetItems () -> (Array of [Object path]) * GetItemsByName (String name -> (Array of [Object path]) * GetItemsByDesktopFile (String desktop_file_name) -> (Array of [Object path]) * GetItemsByPID (Int32 pid) -> (Array of [Object path]) * GetItemByXid (Int64 xid) -> (Object path) * Signals: * ItemAdded (Object path) * ItemRemoved (Object path) capabilities: - dock-item-attention - dock-item-badge - dock-item-icon-file - dock-item-message - dock-item-progress - dock-item-tooltip - dock-item-waiting - menu-item-container-title - menu-item-icon-file - menu-item-icon-name - menu-item-with-label - menu-item-with-uri /net/launchpad/DockManager/Item[.+] (unspecified identifier) - Interface: net.launchpad.DockItem * Methods: * AddMenuItem (Dict of {String key, Variant value} menu_hints) -> (Int32 id) * RemoveMenuItem (Int32 id) * UpdateDockItem (Dict of {String key, Variant value} hints) * Properties (implementing org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties) * string DesktopFile * string Uri * Signals: * MenuItemActivated (Int32 id) Supported menu_hints: Required: - label + String OR - uri + String Optional: - container-title + String - icon-file + String - icon-name + String Implementor can choose whether icon setting will be honored when the menu item is specified using the "uri" key. Supported hints: All hints are optional. - attention + Boolean - badge + String - icon-file + String - message + String - progress + Int - tooltip + String - waiting + Boolean