# This macro sets variables for additional Qt modules. # We need this because targets need different Qt4 modules, i.e. different libs # and defines. We can't simply include UseQt4 several times, since definitions add up. # We workaround this by using our own macro to figure out what to add. macro(setup_qt4_variables) set(QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES ) IF(WIN32) set(MAIN MAIN) ENDIF(WIN32) foreach(qtmod CORE ${ARGV} ${MAIN}) set(QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES ${QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_QT${qtmod}_LIBRARY}) if(STATIC) set(QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES ${QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_${qtmod}_LIB_DEPENDENCIES}) endif(STATIC) endforeach(qtmod ${ARGV}) set(QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES ${QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_LIBRARIES}) endmacro(setup_qt4_variables) # This generates a .qm from a .po file macro(generate_qm outvar basename) set(input ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/i18n/${basename}.po) set(output ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/i18n/${basename}.qm) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${output} COMMAND ${QT_LCONVERT_EXECUTABLE} ARGS -i ${input} -of qm -o ${output} DEPENDS ${basename}.po) set(${outvar} ${output}) endmacro(generate_qm outvar basename)