# Copied from https://raw.github.com/facebook/hiphop-php/master/CMake/FindLdap.cmake # - Try to find the LDAP client libraries # Once done this will define # # LDAP_FOUND - system has libldap # LDAP_INCLUDE_DIR - the ldap include directory # LDAP_LIBRARIES - libldap + liblber (if found) library # LBER_LIBRARIES - liblber library if(LDAP_INCLUDE_DIR AND LDAP_LIBRARIES) # Already in cache, be silent set(Ldap_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif(LDAP_INCLUDE_DIR AND LDAP_LIBRARIES) if(UNIX) FIND_PATH(LDAP_INCLUDE_DIR ldap.h) FIND_LIBRARY(LDAP_LIBRARIES NAMES ldap) FIND_LIBRARY(LBER_LIBRARIES NAMES lber) else(UNIX) FIND_PATH(LDAP_INCLUDE_DIR winldap.h) FIND_LIBRARY(LDAP_LIBRARIES NAMES wldap32) endif(UNIX) if(LDAP_INCLUDE_DIR AND LDAP_LIBRARIES) set(LDAP_FOUND TRUE) if(LBER_LIBRARIES) set(LDAP_LIBRARIES ${LDAP_LIBRARIES} ${LBER_LIBRARIES}) endif(LBER_LIBRARIES) endif(LDAP_INCLUDE_DIR AND LDAP_LIBRARIES) if(LDAP_FOUND) if(NOT Ldap_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found ldap: ${LDAP_LIBRARIES}") endif(NOT Ldap_FIND_QUIETLY) else(LDAP_FOUND) if (Ldap_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find ldap") endif (Ldap_FIND_REQUIRED) endif(LDAP_FOUND) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(LDAP_INCLUDE_DIR LDAP_LIBRARIES LBER_LIBRARIES LDAP_DIR)