# This is the cmake-based build system for Quassel IRC. # # You may pass various options to cmake: # # -DWANT_(CORE|QTCLIENT|MONO)=(ON|OFF) # : select binaries to build # -DWITH_OPENSSL=OFF : Disable OpenSSL support # -DWITH_DBUS=OFF : Disable D-Bus support (dbus notifications) # -DWITH_WEBKIT=OFF : Disable WebKit support (link previews) # -DWITH_PHONON=OFF : Disable Phonon support (audio notifications) # -DWITH_LIBINDICATE=OFF : Disable libindicate support (Ayatana notifications) # -DWITH_KDE=ON : Enable KDE4 support # -DWITH_CRYPT=OFF : Disable encryption support # -DWITH_OXYGEN=(ON|OFF) : Whether to install Oxygen icons (default: yes, unless KDE > 4.3.0 is present and enabled) # -DWITH_SYSLOG=OFF : Disable syslog support # # -DEMBED_DATA=ON : Embed all data files in icons the binary, rather than installing them separately # # -DQT=/path/to/qt : Choose a Qt4 installation to use instead of the system Qt4 # -DSTATIC=ON : Enable static building of Quassel. Use with care. # -DDEPLOY=ON : Mac OS X only. Use only for creating Quassel Packages! # # -DWITH_QT5=ON : Enable (very) experimental support for Qt5 (see doc/README.Qt5!) # # NOTE: You should remove CMakeCache.txt if you plan to change any of these values! cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9) project(QuasselIRC) # Versions set(QUASSEL_MAJOR 0) set(QUASSEL_MINOR 11) set(QUASSEL_PATCH 0) set(QUASSEL_VERSION_STRING "0.11-pre") # Tell CMake about or own stuff set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(CheckIncludeFile) include(QuasselCompileSettings) include(QuasselMacros) # Various options and variables that can be set on the command line option(WANT_CORE "Build the core (server) binary" ON) option(WANT_QTCLIENT "Build the Qt4 GUI client binary" ON) option(WANT_MONO "Build the monolithic (all-in-one) binary" ON) option(WITH_OPENSSL "Enable OpenSSL support if present on the system" ON) option(WITH_DBUS "Enable D-Bus support if present on the system" ON) option(WITH_WEBKIT "Enable WebKit support (for link previews)" ON) option(WITH_PHONON "Enable Phonon support (for audio notifications)" ON) option(WITH_LIBINDICATE "Enable Ayatana notification support" ON) option(WITH_KDE "Enable KDE4 integration" OFF) option(WITH_CRYPT "Enable encryption support if present on system" ON) option(WITH_SYSLOG "Use syslog for storing log data" ON) # We use icon paths from KDE 4.3.x, which are partially invalid on older and possibly # even on newer KDE versions. Do not disable this unless you are sure that your Quassel will # run on a matching KDE version only. set(WITH_OXYGEN AUTO CACHE STRING "Install Oxygen icons (default is \"AUTO\" to install when KDE 4.3 or later is present") # Enable very experimental support for Qt5. Might break the compilation, or even more! option(WITH_QT5 "Enable (very) experimental support for Qt5" OFF) option(STATIC "Enable static building (might not be portable)" OFF) if(APPLE) option(DEPLOY "Mac OS X only! Adds required libs to bundle resources and create a dmg. Note: requires Qt to be built with 10.4u SDK" OFF) # Notification Center is only available in > 10.8, which is Darwin v12 if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "11.9.9") option(WITH_NOTIFICATION_CENTER "Enable OS X Notification Center support" ON) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "11.9.9") endif(APPLE) # Default to embedding data in the static case if(STATIC OR WIN32) set(EMBED_DEFAULT ON) else(STATIC OR WIN32) set(EMBED_DEFAULT ON) # should be OFF as soon as everything works endif(STATIC OR WIN32) option(EMBED_DATA "Embed all data files in the binary (rather than installing them separately)" ${EMBED_DEFAULT}) set(QT "" CACHE STRING "Path to a Qt installation to use instead of the system Qt (e.g. for static builds)") # Some settings imply others if(STATIC) add_definitions(-DSTATIC) set(WITH_KDE OFF CACHE BOOL "Static building with KDE is not supported") endif(STATIC) if(WIN32) # We don't support separately installed resources yet on Win32 set(EMBED_DATA ON) endif(WIN32) # For static builds, arbitrary extra libs might need to be linked # Define a comma-separated list here # e.g. for pgsql, we need -DLINK_EXTRA=pq;crypt set(LINK_EXTRA "" CACHE STRING "Semicolon-separated list of libraries to be linked") if(LINK_EXTRA) string(REPLACE "," ";" LINK_EXTRA ${LINK_EXTRA}) link_libraries(${LINK_EXTRA}) endif(LINK_EXTRA) # Build Types # Simplify checks if(WANT_MONO OR WANT_QTCLIENT) set(BUILD_GUI true) endif(WANT_MONO OR WANT_QTCLIENT) if(WANT_MONO OR WANT_CORE) set(BUILD_CORE true) endif(WANT_MONO OR WANT_CORE) # Version checks ################ if(WITH_QT5) set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.0.0") add_definitions(-DHAVE_QT5) # Qt5 needs a new enough cmake... cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.6 FATAL_ERROR) # ... for automoc set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) else(WITH_QT5) # GUI stuff needs some new features if(BUILD_GUI) set(QT_MIN_VERSION "4.6.0") else(BUILD_GUI) set(QT_MIN_VERSION "4.4.0") endif(BUILD_GUI) endif(WITH_QT5) # Dependencies ############## if(WITH_QT5) find_package(Qt5Core ${QT_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED) # We need QtWidgets set(CLIENT_QT_MODULES ${CLIENT_QT_MODULES} Widgets) # Setup the i18n-related variables find_package(Qt5LinguistTools) else(WITH_QT5) # Select a Qt installation here, if you don't want to use system Qt if(QT) # FindQt4 will look for the qmake binary in $PATH, so we just prepend the Qt dir set(ENV{PATH} ${QT}/bin:$ENV{PATH}) endif(QT) # Now that we have the correct $PATH, lets find Qt! find_package(Qt4 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED) endif(WITH_QT5) # Neither Qt4 nor Qt5 consider lconvert relevant, so they don't support finding it... # Rather than shipping hacked buildsys files, let's just infer the path from lrelease if(QT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE) get_filename_component(_lrelease_path ${QT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE} PATH) if(WITH_QT5) find_program(QT_LCONVERT_EXECUTABLE NAMES lconvert-qt5 lconvert PATHS ${_lrelease_path} NO_DEFAULT_PATH NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) else(WITH_QT5) find_program(QT_LCONVERT_EXECUTABLE NAMES lconvert-qt4 lconvert PATHS ${_lrelease_path} NO_DEFAULT_PATH NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) endif(WITH_QT5) endif(QT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE) # zlib for compression, however we can always fall back to miniz find_package(ZLIB) if(ZLIB_FOUND) message(STATUS "Using system zlib for compression") add_definitions(-DHAVE_ZLIB) include_directories(${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(COMMON_LIBRARIES ${COMMON_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) else() message(STATUS "zlib NOT found, using bundled miniz for compression") if(${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} EQUAL 4) message(STATUS "WARNING: This may be slow on 32 bit systems!") endif() endif() # Execinfo is needed for generating backtraces find_package(ExecInfo) if(EXECINFO_FOUND) add_definitions(-DHAVE_EXECINFO) include_directories(${EXECINFO_INCLUDES}) link_libraries(${EXECINFO_LIBRARIES}) endif(EXECINFO_FOUND) # PkgConfig isn't strictly required. # However, some optional deps might not be found if it's not present, so warn! find_package(PkgConfig) if(NOT PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) message(STATUS "WARNING: PkgConfig not available! Some dependencies for optional features might not be found.") message(STATUS " Affected features might include encryption support, DBus menus and Ayatana notifications.") endif(NOT PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) # Setup OpenSSL # We don't link to or include OpenSSL ourselves, but use exclusively the Qt API. # Thus, we simply check if OpenSSL support is present in Qt's config and enable our # own SSL stuff in this case. Qt should care for adding what it needs itself. if(WITH_OPENSSL) if(QT_QCONFIG MATCHES "openssl") message(STATUS "Found OpenSSL support in Qt, enabling SSL") add_definitions(-DHAVE_SSL) set(HAVE_SSL true) else(QT_QCONFIG MATCHES "openssl") message(STATUS "No OpenSSL support found in Qt, disabling SSL") add_definitions(-DQT_NO_OPENSSL) endif(QT_QCONFIG MATCHES "openssl") else(WITH_OPENSSL) message(STATUS "Not enabling OpenSSL support") endif(WITH_OPENSSL) # Check for GUI specific stuff if(BUILD_GUI) # Setup D-Bus support if(WITH_DBUS) if(WITH_QT5) find_package(Qt5DBus ${QT_MIN_VERSION}) find_package(Qt5DBusTools) endif(WITH_QT5) if(QT_QTDBUS_FOUND OR (Qt5DBus_FOUND AND Qt5DBusTools_FOUND)) message(STATUS "Found QtDBus, enabling D-Bus support") add_definitions(-DHAVE_DBUS) set(HAVE_DBUS true) set(CLIENT_QT_MODULES ${CLIENT_QT_MODULES} DBus) # check if we have dbusmenu as well if(NOT WITH_QT5) find_package(DBusMenuQt) if(DBUSMENUQT_FOUND) message(STATUS "Enabling support for exporting the tray menu via D-Bus") add_definitions(-DHAVE_DBUSMENU) include_directories(${DBUSMENUQT_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(CLIENT_LIBRARIES ${CLIENT_LIBRARIES} ${DBUSMENUQT_LIBRARIES}) set(CLIENT_COMPILE_FLAGS "${CLIENT_COMPILE_FLAGS} ${DBUSMENUQT_DEFINITIONS}") else(DBUSMENUQT_FOUND) message(STATUS "Disabling support for exporting the tray menu via D-Bus") endif(DBUSMENUQT_FOUND) endif(NOT WITH_QT5) else(QT_QTDBUS_FOUND OR (Qt5DBus_FOUND AND Qt5DBusTools_FOUND)) message(STATUS "QtDBus not found, disabling D-Bus support") endif(QT_QTDBUS_FOUND OR (Qt5DBus_FOUND AND Qt5DBusTools_FOUND)) else(WITH_DBUS) message(STATUS "Not enabling D-Bus support") endif(WITH_DBUS) # Setup QtWebkit support if(WITH_WEBKIT) if(WITH_QT5) find_package(Qt5Webkit ${QT_MIN_VERSION} QUIET) endif(WITH_QT5) if(QT_QTWEBKIT_FOUND OR Qt5Webkit_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found QtWebKit, enabling WebKit support") add_definitions(-DHAVE_WEBKIT) set(CLIENT_QT_MODULES ${CLIENT_QT_MODULES} Webkit XmlPatterns) set(HAVE_WEBKIT true) else(QT_QTWEBKIT_FOUND OR Qt5Webkit_FOUND) message(STATUS "QtWebkit not found, disabling Webkit support") endif(QT_QTWEBKIT_FOUND OR Qt5Webkit_FOUND) else(WITH_WEBKIT) message(STATUS "Not enabling Webkit support") endif(WITH_WEBKIT) # Setup KDE4 support if(WITH_KDE AND NOT WITH_QT5) # KDE has overzealous CFLAGS making miniz not compile, so save our old flags set(_cflags ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}) find_package(KDE4) if(KDE4_FOUND) message(STATUS "Enabling KDE4 integration") include_directories(${KDE4_INCLUDES}) add_definitions(-DHAVE_KDE ${KDE4_DEFINITIONS}) set(HAVE_KDE 1) set(CLIENT_LIBRARIES ${CLIENT_LIBRARIES} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBRARY} ${KDE4_SOLID_LIBS} ${KDE4_KNOTIFYCONFIG_LIBRARY}) # We always use external icons for KDE4 support, since we use its iconloader rather than our own set(EMBED_DATA OFF) # Restore our old CFLAGS set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS ${_cflags}) else(KDE4_FOUND) message(STATUS "KDE4 not found, disabling KDE integration") endif(KDE4_FOUND) else(WITH_KDE AND NOT WITH_QT5) message(STATUS "Not enabling KDE4 integration") endif(WITH_KDE AND NOT WITH_QT5) # Setup Phonon support - we only need this if we don't have or want KDE4 if(NOT HAVE_KDE) if(WITH_PHONON) if(WITH_QT5) find_package(Qt5phonon) if(Qt5phonon_FOUND) message(STATUS "Enabling Phonon support") add_definitions(-DHAVE_PHONON) set(HAVE_PHONON true) set(CLIENT_QT_MODULES ${CLIENT_QT_MODULES} phonon) else(Qt5phonon_FOUND) message(STATUS "Phonon not found, disabling audio notifications") endif(Qt5phonon_FOUND) else(WITH_QT5) find_package(Phonon) if(PHONON_FOUND) message(STATUS "Enabling Phonon support") add_definitions(-DHAVE_PHONON) include_directories(${PHONON_INCLUDES}) set(CLIENT_LIBRARIES ${CLIENT_LIBRARIES} ${PHONON_LIBS}) set(HAVE_PHONON true) else(PHONON_FOUND) message(STATUS "Phonon not found, disabling audio notifications") endif(PHONON_FOUND) endif(WITH_QT5) else(WITH_PHONON) message(STATUS "Not enabling Phonon support") endif(WITH_PHONON) find_package(Libsnore) if(LIBSNORE_FOUND) add_definitions(-DHAVE_LIBSNORE) set(CLIENT_LIBRARIES ${CLIENT_LIBRARIES} ${LIBSNORE_LIBRARIES}) set(HAVE_SNORENOTIFY true) endif(LIBSNORE_FOUND) endif(NOT HAVE_KDE) # Setup libindicate-qt support if(WITH_LIBINDICATE AND NOT WITH_QT5) pkg_check_modules(INDICATEQT QUIET indicate-qt>=0.2.1) if(INDICATEQT_FOUND) message(STATUS "Enabling Ayatana notification support") set(HAVE_INDICATEQT true) add_definitions(-DHAVE_INDICATEQT) link_directories(${INDICATEQT_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(CLIENT_LIBRARIES ${CLIENT_LIBRARIES} ${INDICATEQT_LIBRARIES}) else(INDICATEQT_FOUND) message(STATUS "Disabling Ayatana notification support") endif(INDICATEQT_FOUND) else(WITH_LIBINDICATE AND NOT WITH_QT5) message(STATUS "Not enabling Ayatana notification support") # We don't want to link against it even if another package has found it set(INDICATEQT_LIBRARIES "") endif(WITH_LIBINDICATE AND NOT WITH_QT5) # Setup OS X notification center support if(WITH_NOTIFICATION_CENTER AND APPLE) set(HAVE_NOTIFICATION_CENTER true) add_definitions(-DHAVE_NOTIFICATION_CENTER) set(CLIENT_LIBRARIES ${CLIENT_LIBRARIES} /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework ) endif() endif(BUILD_GUI) # Core-only deps if(BUILD_CORE) # Setup encryption support if(WITH_CRYPT AND NOT WITH_QT5) find_package(QCA2) if(QCA2_FOUND) message(STATUS "Enabling encryption support") add_definitions(-DHAVE_QCA2) set(LINK_QCA2 QCA2) set(HAVE_QCA2 true) set(MOC_DEFINES ${MOC_DEFINES} -DHAVE_QCA2) else(QCA2_FOUND) message(STATUS "Disabling encryption support") endif(QCA2_FOUND) else(WITH_CRYPT AND NOT WITH_QT5) message(STATUS "Not enabling encryption support") endif(WITH_CRYPT AND NOT WITH_QT5) # Setup syslog support if(WITH_SYSLOG) check_include_file(syslog.h HAVE_SYSLOG_H) if(HAVE_SYSLOG_H) message(STATUS "Enabling syslog support") set(HAVE_SYSLOG true) add_definitions(-DHAVE_SYSLOG) else(HAVE_SYSLOG_H) message(STATUS "Disabling syslog support") endif(HAVE_SYSLOG_H) else(WITH_SYSLOG) message(STATUS "Not enabling syslog support") endif(WITH_SYSLOG) endif(BUILD_CORE) # Various settings ################## # needed to compile with mingw without kde if(MINGW AND NOT HAVE_KDE) add_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500) message(STATUS "Added _WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 definition for MinGW") # workaround for bug in mingw gcc 4.0 add_definitions(-U__STRICT_ANSI__) endif(MINGW AND NOT HAVE_KDE) # Now set up install locations; those are set by KDE if integration is enabled if(NOT HAVE_KDE) if(WIN32) set(BIN_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} CACHE FILEPATH "Install path for binaries") set(DATA_INSTALL_DIR $ENV{APPDATA}/quassel-irc.org/share/apps CACHE FILEPATH "Install path for data files") set(ICON_INSTALL_DIR $ENV{APPDATA}/quassel-irc.org/share/icons CACHE FILEPATH "Global icon install path") set(XDG_APPS_INSTALL_DIR $ENV{APPDATA}/quassel-irc.org/share/applications CACHE FILEPATH "Install path for .desktop files") else(WIN32) set(BIN_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin CACHE FILEPATH "Install path for binaries") set(DATA_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/apps CACHE FILEPATH "Install path for data files") set(ICON_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/icons CACHE FILEPATH "Global icon install path") set(XDG_APPS_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/applications CACHE FILEPATH "Install path for .desktop files") endif(WIN32) endif(NOT HAVE_KDE) if(EMBED_DATA) message(STATUS "Embedding data files into the binary") else(EMBED_DATA) message(STATUS "Installing data files separately") endif(EMBED_DATA) # RPATH needs to be set correctly # Do this down here, since otherwise KDE wants to handle it itself, and fails set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH 1) set(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH 1) # Set global buildflags # This is very much non-portable, so don't use -DSTATIC until you know what # you do. if(STATIC AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-static-libgcc ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") link_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/staticlibs) # override dynamic libs if(HAVE_SSL) set(QUASSEL_SSL_LIBRARIES ssl crypto) # these miss in static builds endif(HAVE_SSL) endif(STATIC AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) if(WIN32) link_libraries(imm32 winmm dbghelp Secur32) # missing by default :/ if(MSVC) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBUGINFO "/debug /INCREMENTAL:YES /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt /DEFAULTLIB:msvcrt") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG "/debug /INCREMENTAL:YES /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUGFULL "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG}") link_libraries(Version dwmapi shlwapi) endif(MSVC) if(HAVE_SSL AND STATIC) find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED) link_libraries(${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES} ${OPENSSL_EAY_LIBRARIES}) endif(HAVE_SSL AND STATIC) endif(WIN32) if(HAVE_INDICATEQT) add_definitions(-DXDG_APPS_INSTALL_DIR=${XDG_APPS_INSTALL_DIR}) endif(HAVE_INDICATEQT) if(NOT WIN32) check_function_exists(umask HAVE_UMASK) if(HAVE_UMASK) add_definitions(-DHAVE_UMASK) endif(HAVE_UMASK) endif(NOT WIN32) # Generate version information from Git include(GetGitRevisionDescription) get_git_head_revision(GIT_REFSPEC GIT_HEAD) git_describe(GIT_DESCRIBE --long) # Sanitize things if we're not in a Git repo if(NOT GIT_HEAD OR NOT GIT_DESCRIBE) set(GIT_HEAD "") set(GIT_DESCRIBE "") endif() configure_file(version.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/version.h @ONLY) # These variables will be added to the main targets (CORE, QTCLIENT, MONO) set(COMMON_DEPS ${RC_WIN32}) set(CORE_DEPS ) set(CLIENT_DEPS ) # Add needed subdirs - the order is important, since src needs some vars set by other dirs add_subdirectory(data) add_subdirectory(icons) add_subdirectory(pics) add_subdirectory(po) add_subdirectory(src)