# Main CMake file for building Quassel IRC # # See INSTALL for possible CMake options (or read the code, Luke) ##################################################################### # General setup ##################################################################### cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) # Tell CMake about or own modules set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) include(QuasselVersion) message(STATUS "Using CMake ${CMAKE_VERSION}") # Set up build type rather early include(BuildType) # Support ccache if found # This should happen before calling project(), so compiler settings are validated. option(USE_CCACHE "Enable support for ccache if available" ON) if (USE_CCACHE) message(STATUS "Checking for ccache") find_program(CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache) if (CCACHE_PROGRAM) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}") message(STATUS "Checking for ccache - enabled") else() message(STATUS "Checking for ccache - not found") endif() endif() # Set up project project(Quassel CXX) # Let CMake handle file generation for Qt set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) # Needed, otherwise some .moc files won't be found with older CMake versions set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) # Include various CMake modules... include(CMakePushCheckState) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(CheckIncludeFileCXX) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) include(CMakeDependentOption) include(FeatureSummary) # ... and our own include(QuasselCompileSettings) include(QuasselMacros) # Options and variables that can be set on the command line ##################################################################### # Select the binaries to build option(WANT_CORE "Build the core (server) binary" ON) option(WANT_QTCLIENT "Build the client-only binary" ON) option(WANT_MONO "Build the monolithic (all-in-one) binary" ON) add_feature_info(WANT_CORE WANT_CORE "Build the core (server) binary") add_feature_info(WANT_QTCLIENT WANT_QTCLIENT "Build the client-only binary (requires a core to connect to)") add_feature_info(WANT_MONO WANT_MONO "Build the monolithic (all-in-one) binary") # Whether to enable integration with higher-tier KDE frameworks that require runtime support. # We still optionally make use of certain Tier 1 frameworks even if WITH_KDE is disabled. option(WITH_KDE "Integration with the KDE Frameworks runtime environment") add_feature_info(WITH_KDE WITH_KDE "Integrate with the KDE Frameworks runtime environment") # Icon theme support. By default, install the Breeze icon theme (may be disabled if a system installation is present) option(WITH_BUNDLED_ICONS "Install required icons from the Breeze icon theme" ON) add_feature_info(WITH_BUNDLED_ICONS WITH_BUNDLED_ICONS "Install required icons from the Breeze icon theme") option(WITH_OXYGEN_ICONS "Support the Oxygen icon theme (KDE4)" OFF) add_feature_info(WITH_OXYGEN_ICONS WITH_OXYGEN_ICONS "Support the Oxygen icon theme (KDE4)") # For this, the feature info is added after we know if QtWebkit is installed option(WITH_WEBKIT "WebKit support (for link previews) (legacy)" OFF) # For this, the feature info is added after we know if QtWebEngine is installed option(WITH_WEBENGINE "WebEngine support (for link previews)" ON) if (APPLE) # Notification Center is only available in > 10.8, which is Darwin v12 if (NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_LESS 12) option(WITH_NOTIFICATION_CENTER "OS X Notification Center support" ON) add_feature_info(WITH_NOTIFICATION_CENTER WITH_NOTIFICATION_CENTER "Use the OS X Notification Center") endif() find_library(CARBON_LIBRARY Carbon) mark_as_advanced(CARBON_LIBRARY) link_libraries(${CARBON_LIBRARY}) endif() # Always embed on Windows or OSX; never embed when enabling KDE integration set(EMBED_DEFAULT OFF) if (WIN32 OR APPLE) set(EMBED_DEFAULT ON) endif() cmake_dependent_option(EMBED_DATA "Embed icons and translations into the binaries instead of installing them" ${EMBED_DEFAULT} "NOT WIN32;NOT WITH_KDE" ${EMBED_DEFAULT}) if (NOT EMBED_DEFAULT) add_feature_info(EMBED_DATA EMBED_DATA "Embed icons and translations in the binaries instead of installing them") endif() # The following options are not for end-user consumption, so don't list them in the feature summary option(FATAL_WARNINGS "Make compile warnings fatal (most useful for CI builds)" OFF) cmake_dependent_option(DEPLOY "Add required libs to bundle resources and create a dmg" OFF "APPLE" OFF) # List of authenticators and the cmake flags to build them # (currently that's just LDAP, but more can be added here). #################################################################### option(WITH_LDAP "Enable LDAP authentication support if present on system" ON) # Setup CMake ##################################################################### # Visibility settings apply to all targets if (POLICY CMP0063) cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 NEW) endif() # Let automoc/autouic process generated files if (POLICY CMP0071) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 NEW) endif() set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS TRUE CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) # Don't use X11 on OSX if (APPLE) set(CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_X11 true) set(CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_XCB true) set(CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Qt5X11Extras true) endif() # Simplify later checks ##################################################################### if (WANT_MONO OR WANT_QTCLIENT) set(BUILD_GUI true) endif() if (WANT_MONO OR WANT_CORE) set(BUILD_CORE true) endif() # Set up Qt ##################################################################### set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.5.0") # Enable Qt deprecation warnings for Qt < 5.13 (on by default in newer versions) add_definitions(-DQT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS) # Disable all Qt APIs that were deprecated in 5.5 and before add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050500) # Find package dependencies # # Note that you can forcefully disable optional packages # using -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_=TRUE ##################################################################### # Required Qt components set(qt_components Core Network) if (BUILD_GUI) list(APPEND qt_components Gui Widgets) endif() if (BUILD_CORE) list(APPEND qt_components Sql) endif() find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${qt_components}) set_package_properties(Qt5 PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED URL "https://www.qt.io/" DESCRIPTION "the Qt libraries" ) message(STATUS "Found Qt ${Qt5Core_VERSION}") # Check for SSL support in Qt cmake_push_check_state(RESET) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES Qt5::Core) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include \"qglobal.h\" #if defined QT_NO_SSL # error \"No SSL support\" #endif int main() {}" HAVE_SSL) cmake_pop_check_state() if (NOT HAVE_SSL) message(FATAL_ERROR "Quassel requires SSL support, but Qt is built with QT_NO_SSL") endif() # Optional Qt components find_package(Qt5LinguistTools QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5LinguistTools PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION "contains tools for handling translation files" PURPOSE "Required for having translations" ) if (BUILD_GUI) if (NOT WIN32) find_package(Qt5DBus QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5DBus PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED URL "https://www.qt.io/" DESCRIPTION "D-Bus support for Qt5" PURPOSE "Needed for supporting D-Bus-based notifications and tray icon, used by most modern desktop environments" ) if (Qt5DBus_FOUND) find_package(dbusmenu-qt5 QUIET CONFIG) set_package_properties(dbusmenu-qt5 PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED URL "https://launchpad.net/libdbusmenu-qt" DESCRIPTION "a library implementing the DBusMenu specification" PURPOSE "Required for having a context menu for the D-Bus-based tray icon" ) endif() endif() find_package(Qt5Multimedia QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5Multimedia PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED URL "https://www.qt.io/" DESCRIPTION "Multimedia support for Qt5" PURPOSE "Required for audio notifications" ) # snorenotify segfaults on startup on msys2 # we don't check for just MSYS to support the Ninja generator if(NOT (WIN32 AND (NOT $ENV{MSYSTEM} STREQUAL ""))) find_package(LibsnoreQt5 0.7.0 QUIET) set_package_properties(LibsnoreQt5 PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL URL "https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/libs/snorenotify" DESCRIPTION "a cross-platform notification framework" PURPOSE "Enable support for the snorenotify framework" ) if (LibsnoreQt5_FOUND) find_package(LibsnoreSettingsQt5 QUIET) set_package_properties(LibsnoreSettingsQt5 PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL URL "https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/libs/snorenotify" DESCRIPTION "a cross-platform notification framework" PURPOSE "Enable support for the snorenotify framework" ) endif() endif() if (WITH_WEBENGINE) find_package(Qt5WebEngine QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5WebEngine PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED URL "https://www.qt.io/" DESCRIPTION "a WebEngine implementation for Qt" PURPOSE "Needed for displaying previews for URLs in chat" ) if (Qt5WebEngine_FOUND) find_package(Qt5WebEngineWidgets QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5WebEngineWidgets PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED URL "https://www.qt.io/" DESCRIPTION "widgets for Qt's WebEngine implementation" PURPOSE "Needed for displaying previews for URLs in chat" ) endif() endif() if (WITH_WEBENGINE AND Qt5WebEngineWidgets_FOUND) set(HAVE_WEBENGINE true) endif() add_feature_info("WITH_WEBENGINE, QtWebEngine and QtWebEngineWidgets modules" HAVE_WEBENGINE "Support showing previews for URLs in chat") if (NOT HAVE_WEBENGINE) if (WITH_WEBKIT) find_package(Qt5WebKit QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5WebKit PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL URL "https://www.qt.io/" DESCRIPTION "a WebKit implementation for Qt" PURPOSE "Needed for displaying previews for URLs in chat" ) if (Qt5WebKit_FOUND) find_package(Qt5WebKitWidgets QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5WebKitWidgets PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL URL "https://www.qt.io/" DESCRIPTION "widgets for Qt's WebKit implementation" PURPOSE "Needed for displaying previews for URLs in chat" ) endif() endif() if (WITH_WEBKIT AND Qt5WebKitWidgets_FOUND) set(HAVE_WEBKIT true) endif() add_feature_info("WITH_WEBKIT, QtWebKit and QtWebKitWidgets modules" HAVE_WEBKIT "Support showing previews for URLs in chat (legacy)") endif() # KDE Frameworks ################ # extra-cmake-modules if (WITH_KDE) set(ecm_find_type "REQUIRED") find_package(ECM NO_MODULE REQUIRED) else() # Even with KDE integration disabled, we optionally use tier1 frameworks if we find them set(ecm_find_type "RECOMMENDED") find_package(ECM NO_MODULE QUIET) endif() set_package_properties(ECM PROPERTIES TYPE ${ecm_find_type} URL "https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/extra-cmake-modules" DESCRIPTION "extra modules for CMake, maintained by the KDE project" PURPOSE "Required to find KDE Frameworks components" ) if (ECM_FOUND) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH}) if (WITH_KDE) find_package(KF5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS ConfigWidgets CoreAddons Notifications NotifyConfig Sonnet TextWidgets WidgetsAddons XmlGui) set_package_properties(KF5 PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED URL "http://www.kde.org" DESCRIPTION "KDE Frameworks" PURPOSE "Required for integration into the Plasma desktop" ) message(STATUS "Found KDE Frameworks ${KF5_VERSION}") endif() # Optional KF5 tier1 components find_package(KF5Sonnet QUIET) set_package_properties(KF5Sonnet PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED URL "http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/sonnet/html" DESCRIPTION "framework for providing spell-checking capabilities" PURPOSE "Enables spell-checking support in input widgets" ) endif() endif() if (BUILD_CORE) find_package(Qca-qt5 2.0 QUIET) set_package_properties(Qca-qt5 PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED URL "https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/qca" DESCRIPTION "Qt Cryptographic Architecture" PURPOSE "Required for encryption support" ) if (WITH_LDAP) find_package(Ldap QUIET) set_package_properties(Ldap PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL URL "http://www.openldap.org/" DESCRIPTION "LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) libraries" PURPOSE "Enables core user authentication via LDAP" ) endif() endif() # Non-Qt-based packages ##################################################################### find_package(Boost 1.54 REQUIRED) set_package_properties(Boost PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED URL "https://www.boost.org/" DESCRIPTION "Boost libraries for C++" ) # Older versions don't define the imported target if (NOT TARGET Boost::boost) add_library(Boost::boost INTERFACE IMPORTED GLOBAL) if (Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS) set_target_properties(Boost::boost PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endif() endif() find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) set_package_properties(ZLIB PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED URL "http://www.zlib.net" DESCRIPTION "a popular compression library" PURPOSE "Used for protocol compression" ) if (NOT WIN32) # Needed for generating backtraces find_package(Backtrace QUIET) set_package_properties(Backtrace PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION "a header (and possibly library) for inspecting backtraces" PURPOSE "Used for generating backtraces in case of a crash" ) endif() # Shared library support ##################################################################### option(ENABLE_SHARED "Build modules as shared libraries" ON) add_feature_info(ENABLE_SHARED ENABLE_SHARED "Build modules as shared libraries") # Setup unit testing ##################################################################### option(BUILD_TESTING "Enable unit tests" OFF) add_feature_info(BUILD_TESTING BUILD_TESTING "Build unit tests") if (BUILD_TESTING) find_package(GTest QUIET) set_package_properties(GTest PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION "Google's unit testing framework" PURPOSE "Required for building unit tests" ) find_package(Qt5Test QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5Test PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION "unit testing library for the Qt5 framework" PURPOSE "Required for building unit tests" ) enable_testing() # GTest messes with CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, so process them again process_cmake_cxx_flags() endif() # Setup support for KDE Frameworks ##################################################################### if (WITH_KDE) add_definitions(-DHAVE_KDE -DHAVE_KF5) set(WITH_KF5 TRUE) # If KDE Frameworks are present, they're most probably providing Qt5 integration including icon loading set(EMBED_DATA OFF) include(KDEInstallDirs) endif() # This needs to come after setting up KDE integration, so we can use KDE-specific paths include(QuasselInstallDirs) # RPATH and output settings ##################################################################### # Build artifacts in a well-known location; especially important for Windows DLLs # (which go into RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY and can thus be found by executables) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin") set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib") set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib") # These RPATH settings allow for running directly from the build dir set(CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH FALSE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH FALSE) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE ) # Set install RPATH only if libdir isn't a system directory if (IS_ABSOLUTE "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") set(libdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") else() set(libdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") endif() list(FIND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${libdir}" is_systemdir) if ("${is_systemdir}" STREQUAL "-1") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${libdir}") endif() # Various config-dependent checks and settings ##################################################################### # Check for syslog support if (NOT WIN32) check_include_file_cxx(syslog.h HAVE_SYSLOG) add_feature_info("syslog.h" HAVE_SYSLOG "Provide support for logging to the syslog") endif() if (NOT WIN32) check_function_exists(umask HAVE_UMASK) endif() if (EMBED_DATA) message(STATUS "Embedding data files into the binary") else() message(STATUS "Installing data files separately") endif() # Windows-specific stuff ##################################################################### if (WIN32) link_libraries(imm32 winmm dbghelp Secur32) # missing by default :/ if (MSVC) link_libraries(Version dwmapi shlwapi) endif() endif() # Prepare the build ##################################################################### # Add needed subdirs - the order is important, since src needs some vars set by other dirs add_subdirectory(data) add_subdirectory(icons) add_subdirectory(pics) add_subdirectory(po) # Set up and display feature summary ##################################################################### feature_summary(WHAT ALL INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES ) # Finally, compile the sources # We want this after displaying the feature summary to avoid ugly # CMake backtraces in case a required Qt5 module is missing ##################################################################### add_subdirectory(src) # Build tests if so desired if (BUILD_TESTING) add_subdirectory(tests) endif()