sudo: required services: - docker # Define build matrix for Linux os: linux language: generic # No host compilation env: - DIST=xenial CXX=g++ CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DWITH_KDE=OFF -DWITH_WEBKIT=ON" - DIST=xenial CXX=g++ CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DWITH_KDE=ON -DWITH_WEBKIT=ON" - DIST=xenial CXX=clang++ CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DWITH_KDE=OFF -DWITH_WEBKIT=ON" - DIST=xenial CXX=clang++ CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DWITH_KDE=ON -DWITH_WEBKIT=ON" - DIST=bionic CXX=clang++ CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DWITH_KDE=OFF -DWITH_WEBENGINE=ON" - DIST=bionic CXX=clang++ CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DWITH_KDE=ON -DWITH_WEBENGINE=ON" # Set up cache cache: directories: - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ccache # Prepare before_install: - docker pull quassel/quassel-build-env:$DIST - docker images - mkdir build # Build inside the docker image # Source, build and ccache directories are bind-mounted into the container script: - | docker run -t -w /build --rm \ -v "$(readlink -f .):/src" \ -v "$(readlink -f build):/build" \ -v "$(readlink -f ccache):/ccache" \ -e CCACHE_DIR=/ccache \ -e CXX=$CXX \ quassel/quassel-build-env:$DIST \ sh -c "cmake /src $CMAKE_OPTIONS \ -GNinja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DBUILD_TESTING=ON \ && ninja install \ && ccache -s \ && ninja test \ " # Define a separate job for OSX jobs: include: - os: osx language: cpp compiler: clang env: cache: directories: - $HOME/.ccache - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew before_install: - brew update && brew install ccache ninja qca qt5 script: - mkdir build && cd build - | PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/qt5/bin DEPLOY=OFF if [[ "$TRAVIS_TAG" != "" && "$GH_TOKEN" != "" ]]; then DEPLOY=ON fi cmake -GNinja .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TESTING=ON -DDEPLOY=$DEPLOY ninja install - ccache -s - ninja test deploy: provider: releases api_key: "${GH_TOKEN}" file_glob: true file: - "QuasselClient_MacOSX-x86_64_*.dmg" - "QuasselCore_MacOSX-x86_64_*.dmg" - "QuasselMono_MacOSX-x86_64_*.dmg" skip_cleanup: true on: tags: true condition: "$GH_TOKEN != ''"