Quassel IRC - Release Notes
-This is a beta version. Although Quassel should be quite usable by now,
-there are still many features missing. We are working on adding these;
-you might add your wishes and feature requests to our bugtracker though.
-Since we are now working on stabilizing the 0.2 branch, bugreports are
-more than welcome.
-Please also refer to <http://quassel-irc.org/faq> for current issues.
+Please find the current release notes at <http://quassel-irc.org>.
On first run of the Quassel core, it will wait for a client to connect
and present a first-run wizard that will allow you to create the database
and one admin user for the core-side storage. Note that Quassel does not
support the administration of user accounts yet, this includes adding
more users, changing passwords and so on.
+However, you can add more users, or change passwords of existing ones,
+using manageusers.py to be found in the scripts/ directory.
IRC is the preferred means of getting in touch with the developers.
The Quassel IRC Team can be contacted on Freenode/#quassel (or