// and also apply formats in this step...)
// Just using width should be a good estimate, but since a character can't be split in the middle, we
// subtract averageCharWidth as well... sometimes this won't be enough, but meh.
- w -= width - 4*fontMetrics()->averageCharWidth();
+ w -= width - fontMetrics()->averageCharWidth();
+ w += wrapList.at(i).trailing;
return _lines * fontMetrics()->lineSpacing();
word.width -= line.naturalTextWidth();
word.start = line.textStart() + line.textLength();
- //qDebug() << "setting width: " << width();
} else {
int w = 0;
while((w += word.width) <= width() && wordidx < wrapList.count()) {
// last word (and it fits), but if we expected an extra line, wrap anyway here
// yeah, this is cheating, but much cheaper than computing widths ourself
if(_layout->lineCount() < _lines) {
- wordidx--; qDebug() << "trigger!" << _lines << _layout->text();
+ wordidx--;