-NOTE: Translations are not yet used in Quassel, but will be soon!
In order to create or update a translatable file, run the following command
in the directory i18n/:
-You can open these files with the Qt Linguist and add/edit translated strings.
+You can open these XML files with the Qt Linguist and add/edit translated strings.
The *.ts files can and should be kept in sync with the source code by running
lupdate regularly (existing translations won't be removed).
+Qt itself does not use the *.ts files, but a compact binary format (*.qm). In order
+to create these files from new or updated *.ts files, run
+lrelease *.ts
+In addition, new languages need to be added to i18n/i18n.qrc, since we are using Qt's
+resource system for loading the translations.