X-Git-Url: https://git.quassel-irc.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=data%2Fscripts%2Finxi;h=a444e66bfa8e0721c9d6b982663323342ae866af;hb=0859ff9b7f8633925dde6482d57774f229a937a6;hp=fc9550f7b127c8f5d15fcca79764d6ef8acbdad0;hpb=f323363cfe7d1545928e60f609d5a2926907f579;p=quassel.git diff --git a/data/scripts/inxi b/data/scripts/inxi index fc9550f7..a444e66b 100755 --- a/data/scripts/inxi +++ b/data/scripts/inxi @@ -1,14740 +1,18318 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash -######################################################################## -#### Script Name: inxi -#### Version: 2.3.0 -#### Date: 2016-04-18 -#### Patch Number: 00 -######################################################################## -#### SPECIAL THANKS -######################################################################## -#### Special thanks to all those in #lsc and #smxi for their tireless -#### dedication helping test inxi modules. -######################################################################## -#### ABOUT INXI -######################################################################## -#### inxi is a fork of infobash 3.02, the original bash sys info tool by locsmif -#### As time permits functionality improvements and recoding will occur. -#### -#### inxi, the universal, portable, system information tool for irc. -#### Tested with Irssi, Xchat, Konversation, BitchX, KSirc, ircII, -#### Gaim/Pidgin, Weechat, KVIrc and Kopete. -#### Original infobash author and copyright holder: -#### Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Michiel de Boer a.k.a. locsmif -#### inxi version: Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Scott Rogers & Harald Hope -#### Further fixes (listed as known): Horst Tritremmel -#### Steven Barrett (aka: damentz) - usb audio patch; swap percent used patch -#### Jarett.Stevens - dmidecde -M patch for older systems with the /sys -#### -#### Current script home page/wiki/git: https://github.com/smxi/inxi -#### Documentation/wiki pages will move to http://smxi.org soon. -#### Script forums: http://techpatterns.com/forums/forum-33.html -#### IRC support: irc.oftc.net channel #smxi -#### Version control: -#### * https://github.com/smxi/inxi -#### * git: git pull https://github.com/smxi/inxi master -#### * svn checkout url: https://github.com/smxi/inxi -#### -#### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -#### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -#### the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or -#### (at your option) any later version. -#### -#### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -#### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -#### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -#### GNU General Public License for more details. -#### -#### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -#### along with this program. If not, see . -#### -#### If you don't understand what Free Software is, please read (or reread) -#### this page: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html -######################################################################## - -#### -#### PACKAGE NAME NOTES -#### * Package names in (...) are the Debian Squeeze package name. Check your -#### distro for proper package name by doing this: which -#### then find what package owns that application file. Or run --recommends -#### which shows package names for Debian/Ubuntu, Arch, and Fedora/Redhat/Suse -#### -#### DEPENDENCIES -#### * bash >=3.0 (bash); df, readlink, stty, tr, uname, wc (coreutils); -#### gawk (gawk); grep (grep); lspci (pciutils); -#### ps, find (findutils) -#### * Also the proc filesystem should be present and mounted for Linux -#### * Some features, like -M and -d will not work, or will work incompletely, -#### if /sys is missing -#### -#### Apparently unpatched bash 3.0 has arrays broken; bug reports: -#### http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-3.0-patches/bash30-008 -#### http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2004-08/msg00144.html -#### Bash 3.1 for proper array use -#### -#### Arrays work in bash 2.05b, but "grep -Em" does not -#### -#### RECOMMENDS (Needed to run certain features, listed by option) -#### -A - for output of usb audio information: lsusb (usbutils) -#### -Ax -Nx - for audio/network module version: modinfo (module-init-tools) -#### -Dx - for hdd temp output (root only default): hddtemp (hddtemp) -#### For user level hdd temp output: sudo (sudo) -#### Note: requires user action for this feature to run as user (edit /etc/sudoers file) -#### -G - full graphics output requires: glxinfo (mesa-utils); xdpyinfo (X11-utils); -#### xrandr (x11-xserver-utils) -#### -i - IP information, local/wan - ip (iproute) legacy, not used if ip present: ifconfig (net-tools) -#### -I - uptime (procps, check Debian if changed) -#### -Ix - view current runlevel while not in X window system (or with -x): runlevel (sysvinit) -#### -m - all systems, dmidecode, unless someone can find a better way. -#### -M - for older systems whose kernel does not have /sys data for machine, dmidecode (dmidecode) -#### -o - for unmounted file system information in unmounted drives (root only default): file (file) -#### Note: requires user action for this feature to run as user (edit /etc/sudoers file) -#### For user level unmounted file system type output: sudo (sudo) -#### -s For any sensors output, fan, temp, etc: sensors (lm-sensors) -#### Note: requires setup of lm-sensors (sensors-detect and adding modules/modprobe/reboot, -#### and ideally, pwmconfig) prior to full output being available. -#### -S For desktop environment, user must be in X and have xprop installed (in X11-utils) -######################################################################## -#### BSD Adjustments -#### * sed -i '' form supported by using SED_I="-i ''". -#### * Note: New BSD sed supports using -r instead of -E for compatibility with gnu sed -#### However, older, like FreeBSD 7.x, does not have -r so using SED_RX='-E' for this. -#### * Gnu grep options can be used if the function component is only run in linux -#### These are the options that bsd grep does not support that inxi uses: -m -o -#### so make sure if you use those to have them in gnu/linux only sections. -#### It appears that freebsd uses gnu grep but openbsd uses bsd grep, however. -#### * BSD ps does not support --without-headers option, and also does not support --sort