This file is intended to keep notes about general coding stuff, code conventions or how to best interact with certain parts of Qt. Regarding QSortFilterProxyModel: ======================================== When subclassing QSortFilterProxyModel avoid the use of the following calls on QModelIndex and use their equivalents of QAbstractItemModel: inline QModelIndex QModelIndex::parent() const inline QModelIndex QModelIndex::sibling(int arow, int acolumn) const inline QModelIndex QModelIndex::child(int arow, int acolumn) const inline QVariant QModelIndex::data(int arole) const inline Qt::ItemFlags QModelIndex::flags() const For Example when reimplementing QSortFilterProxyModel::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role): Avoid:; Instead: QModelIndex source_index = mapToSource(idx); sourceModel()->data(idx, role);