# This is the cmake-based build system for Quassel IRC. # You may pass various options to cmake: # -DBUILD= : Select binaries to build. may contain any combination # of "core", "client", "mono" or "all". # -DQT=/path/to/qt : Choose a Qt4 installation to use instead of the system Qt4 # -DSTATIC=1 : Enable static building of Quassel, most useful with a static Qt. # -DSPUTDEV : Do not use. # # NOTE: You need to remove CMakeCache.txt if you plan to change any of these values! project(QuasselIRC) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.5) set(QT_MIN_VERSION "4.4.0") # By default, we build all binaries if(NOT DEFINED BUILD) set(BUILD all) endif(NOT DEFINED BUILD) # User might define which binaries to build by invoking cmake -DBUILD=, # where might contain any combination of "core", "client", "mono" or "all" if(BUILD MATCHES all) set(BUILD_CORE true) set(BUILD_QTCLIENT true) set(BUILD_MONO true) message(STATUS "Building Quassel Client, Quassel Core and monolithic Quassel.") else(BUILD MATCHES all) if(BUILD MATCHES core) set(BUILD_CORE true) message(STATUS "Building Quassel Core") endif(BUILD MATCHES core) if(BUILD MATCHES client) set(BUILD_QTCLIENT true) message(STATUS "Building Quassel Client") endif(BUILD MATCHES client) if(BUILD MATCHES mono) set(BUILD_MONO true) message(STATUS "Building monolithic Quassel") endif(BUILD MATCHES mono) endif(BUILD MATCHES all) # Select a Qt installation here, if you don't want to use system Qt if(DEFINED QT) # FindQt4 will look for the qmake binary in $PATH, so we just prepend the Qt dir set(ENV{PATH} ${QT}/bin:$ENV{PATH}) #SET(QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE ${QT}/bin/qmake CACHE FILEPATH "" FORCE) endif(DEFINED QT) # Enable mostly b0rked stuff (new ChatView), do not enable this unless you know what you do... if(SPUTDEV) add_definitions(-DSPUTDEV) endif(SPUTDEV) # Now that we have the correct $PATH, lets find Qt! find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED) # Add needed subdirs add_subdirectory(src/common) include_directories(src/common) if(BUILD_CORE OR BUILD_MONO) add_subdirectory(src/core) include_directories(src/core) endif(BUILD_CORE OR BUILD_MONO) if(BUILD_QTCLIENT OR BUILD_MONO) add_subdirectory(src/client) add_subdirectory(src/uisupport) add_subdirectory(src/qtui) include_directories(src/client) include_directories(src/uisupport) include_directories(src/qtui) endif(BUILD_QTCLIENT OR BUILD_MONO) # Add resources qt4_add_resources(RES_I18N ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/i18n/i18n.qrc) qt4_add_resources(RES_ICONS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/icons/icons.qrc) qt4_add_resources(RES_SQL ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/core/sql.qrc) # Set global buildflags if(DEFINED STATIC) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-static-libgcc ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") link_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/staticlibs) endif(DEFINED STATIC) # Here comes the dirty part. Our targets need different Qt4 modules, i.e. different libs # and defines. We can't simply include UseQt4 several times, since definitions add up. # We workaround this by only setting up QtCore first, and adding additional stuff later. set(QT_DONT_USE_QTGUI 1) include(${QT_USE_FILE}) include_directories(${QT_INCLUDES}) # We need to create a version.gen # For this, we create our genversion binary and make sure it is run every time. add_executable(genversion ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/genversion.cpp) target_link_libraries(genversion ${QT_LIBRARIES}) add_custom_target(genversion_run ALL ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/genversion ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/common/version.gen) add_dependencies(genversion_run genversion) set_source_files_properties(src/common/global.cpp PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS genversion_run) # This macro sets variables for additional Qt modules. macro(setup_qt4_variables) set(QUASSEL_QT_DEFINITIONS ${QT_DEFINITIONS}) set(QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES ) foreach(qtmod ${ARGV}) # This needs to be a string, not a list, otherwise set_target_properties screws up... set(QUASSEL_QT_DEFINITIONS "${QUASSEL_QT_DEFINITIONS} -DQT_${qtmod}_LIB") set(QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES ${QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_QT${qtmod}_LIBRARY} ${QT_${qtmod}_LIB_DEPENDENCIES}) endforeach(qtmod ${ARGV}) set(QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES ${QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_LIBRARIES}) endmacro(setup_qt4_variables) # Now we have everything, so just glue the right pieces together :) if(BUILD_CORE) setup_qt4_variables(NETWORK SCRIPT SQL) add_executable(quasselcore ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/main.cpp ${RES_SQL} ${RES_I18N}) set_target_properties(quasselcore PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${QUASSEL_QT_DEFINITIONS} -DBUILD_CORE") target_link_libraries(quasselcore mod_core mod_common ${QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES}) endif(BUILD_CORE) if(BUILD_QTCLIENT) setup_qt4_variables(GUI NETWORK) add_executable(quasselclient ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/main.cpp ${RES_ICONS} ${RES_I18N}) set_target_properties(quasselclient PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${QUASSEL_QT_DEFINITIONS} -DBUILD_QTUI") target_link_libraries(quasselclient mod_qtui mod_uisupport mod_client mod_common ${QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES}) endif(BUILD_QTCLIENT) if(BUILD_MONO) setup_qt4_variables(GUI NETWORK SCRIPT SQL) add_executable(quassel ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/main.cpp ${RES_ICONS} ${RES_SQL} ${RES_I18N}) set_target_properties(quassel PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${QUASSEL_QT_DEFINITIONS} -DBUILD_MONO") target_link_libraries(quassel mod_qtui mod_uisupport mod_client mod_core mod_common ${QUASSEL_QT_LIBRARIES}) endif(BUILD_MONO)